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Protecting the Protectors

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The Kansas State Troopers Association is a professional organization of Kansas State Highway Patrol Troopers, Kansas Motor Carrier Inspectors, and Capitol Police. The Active Membership Level is only available to individuals employed by the Kansas Highway Patrol and KHP Retirees.  If you are not employed by KHP, but would like to support KSTA by becoming an honorary member, view more details here.

Active Membership Benefits

  • Representation by McCauley & Roach, exclusive KSTA legal provider, during critical incidents, grievances or other similar issues
  • Full time lobbyist in the Kansas Legislature  
  • Death Insurance Benefits
  • Quarterly Kansas Trooper magazine
  • KSTA Negotiates the Memorandum of Agreement and Members vote on the changes
  • KSTA Website & Members Only Section Resources
  • Daybooks and Calendars
  • Mileage, hotel and meal expense paid to attend quarterly KSTA Board meetings.
  • Membership in the National Troopers Coalition.
  • Legislative Reports during Legislative Session.
  • Emergency Aid and Assistance through the Kansas Troopers Foundation
  • Educational Scholarships through Kansas Troopers Foundation
  • and more!

Dues are deducted from your paycheck every 2 week pay period.  Dues are tax-deductible as applicable by law.

You can't afford not to belong.  Being sued has nothing to do with being right or wrong.
Who do you want representing you should the need arise?


Contact the KSTA office for information on the dues price and how to join:

Kansas State Troopers Association
1200 SW 10th Ave.
Topeka, KS 66604

785-234-4488 or 800-550-5782 or email the KSTA office below.

Executive Vice President - Steve Kearney

Associate (Retiree) Memberships

If you are a retired Kansas Highway Patrol Trooper, Kansas Motor Carrier Inspector, or Capitol Police officer, join the association!  Retired KHP personnel can join online here.  Dues are $30.00 per year and include a subscription to the KS Trooper Magazine.

Kansas State Troopers Association | 1200 SW 10th Ave. | Topeka, KS 66604 | 785-234-4488
KSTA Disclaimer/Copyright ©

Please note that the KSTA and KTF do not solicit funds from individuals for the Kansas State Troopers Association by phone. However, donations from businesses for the Kansas Trooper magazine may be solicited by phone.  If you have questions or concerns about a request you receive, please contact the webmaster.

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