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Protecting the Protectors

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The Kansas State Troopers Association is a professional organization of Kansas State Highway Patrol Troopers, Kansas Motor Carrier Inspectors, and Capitol Police. The Active Membership Level is only available to individuals employed by the Kansas Highway Patrol and KHP Retirees. Learn more about active membership here.

Honorary membership is available for individuals who do not qualify as an active member, but would like to support KSTA and stay informed about the association.  Note: Contributions for membership to the KSTA are not tax-deductible as a charitable contribution.

Honorary Membership Benefits

  • Kansas Trooper magazine - digital or printed copy quarterly to stay informed about KSTA, featured troopers, events, KHP, and more.
  • Email notices about KSTA and KTF events - like the annual golf tournament
  • Listed in a thank you ad in the Winter issue of the Kansas Trooper
  • KSTA Stickers are available while supplies last and are not guaranteed.

Membership is valid for one year from your join date and membership payments must be made online.


Fill out the form below and pay online.  Once we verify your membership and that payment has been received, we will approve your membership.

Questions?  Call 785-234-4488 or 800-550-5782 or email the KSTA office -

KSTA Honorary Member - $95.00 (USD) Subscription period: 1 year No automatically recurring payments

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* Personal Email
This must be a personal email. You cannot use your KHP email for this login and membership notifications.
Kansas State Troopers Association | 1200 SW 10th Ave. | Topeka, KS 66604 | 785-234-4488
KSTA Disclaimer/Copyright ©

Please note that the KSTA and KTF do not solicit funds from individuals for the Kansas State Troopers Association by phone. However, donations from businesses for the Kansas Trooper magazine may be solicited by phone.  If you have questions or concerns about a request you receive, please contact the webmaster.

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